The Postseason Schedule (see attached 2022 AJA Baseball Postseason Schedule):
Sunday (3/6/22)
@10am (1st Round)
GmPl#1 Ala Wai: #3 Manoa vs #4 McCully
GmPl#2 Hans: #3 Pearl City vs #4 Ewa
@1pm (2nd Round)
GmPl#3 Ala Wai: #2 Sheridan vs Winner of Manoa vs McCully 10am game
GmPl#4 Hans: #2 Kaneohe vs Winner of Pearl City vs Ewa 10am game
3rd Round 7pm Ala Wai
03/09/22 (Wed) GmPl#5 #1 Waialae vs Winner of Sheridan vs Winner of Manoa/McCully game
03/10/22 (Thurs) GmPl#6 #1 Waipahu vs Winner of Kaneohe vs Winner of Pearl City/Ewa game
In the 3rd Round,
The Lower Seeds (#2, #3, #4) must beat the #1 Seed TWICE to Advance.
The #1 Seed must win ONLY 1 game to Advance.
However, If BOTH or EITHER #1 SEED Loses on Wed/Thurs, then they will play again on
Sunday (03/13/22) 1pm at Ala Wai/Hans.
IF BOTH #1 Seeds (Waialae & Waipahu) WIN on Wednesday/Thurs,
Waialae & Waipahu will BOTH Advance to the Championship Series starting on Sunday (03/13/22) 1pm at Ala Wai.
The CHAMPIONSHIP Series is Best of 3.
If it starts Sunday (3/13) 1pm @Ala Wai, then following games are
Wed (3/16) 7pm @Ala Wai &
Thurs (3/17) 7pm @Ala Wai If necessary
If it starts Wed (3/16) 7pm @Ala Wai, then following games are
Thurs (3/17) 7pm @Ala Wai &
Sunday (3/20) 1pm @Ala Wai If necessary