Ewa AJA 2024-25 Falls To Manoa AJA 2024-25
By GameChanger Media
Ewa AJA 2024-25 lost to Manoa AJA 2024-25 4-2 on Sunday.
Manoa AJA 2024-25 opened the scoring in the top of the third thanks to two singles. Manoa AJA 2024-25 first got on the board when Bryson Nakamura singled, scoring one run.
Carson Tsuruda singled to left field, which helped Ewa AJA 2024-25 tie the game at two in the bottom of the fourth.
Manoa AJA 2024-25 took the lead in the top of the sixth. Brent Sakurai singled, scoring one run, to give Manoa AJA 2024-25 the leg up, 3-2.
Ryan Murakami started the game for Ewa AJA 2024-25. The pitcher allowed four hits and two runs over four innings, striking out two and walking two. Reece Kiriu started on the mound for Manoa AJA 2024-25. The pitcher surrendered two hits and two runs (zero earned) over four innings, striking out three and walking none.
Tsuruda provided pop in the middle of the lineup, and led Ewa AJA 2024-25 with two runs batted in. The cleanup hitter went 1-for-4 on the day. Reid Goto, Dustyn Mori, Kyler Shojinaga, and Tsuruda each collected one hit for Ewa AJA 2024-25. Ewa AJA 2024-25 turned two double plays in the game.
Manoa AJA 2024-25 tallied 10 hits in the game. Leadoff hitter Sakurai led Manoa AJA 2024-25 with three hits in five at bats. Nakamura, Trey Saito, JR Bunda, and Sakurai each drove in one run for Manoa AJA 2024-25. Manoa AJA 2024-25 turned one double play in the game.
Ewa AJA 2024-25 play at home on Sunday against Kaneohe AJA 2024-25 in their next game.
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